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Properties for rent / lease in Pulimath, Thiruvananthapuram

and nearby locations Kilimanoor

6 shops combined area of 1000 square feet is available for rent .

6 shops combined area of 1000 square feet is available for rent .
  • For Rent
  • Property by Owner
  • 1000SqFt
  •  Kilimanoor, Thiruvananthapuram
Property Info
shops available for rent at karettu junction beside MC road in the ground floor of the building. Thiruvananthapuram Dist Cooperative Bank is operating in the top floor and SBI ATM Machine is available in the ground floor. Rent and security deposit is reasonable, interested parties can contact direct to the owner . mob 9746306397. Total 6 shops available, can rent out separately or together. The location is 32 Kms away from Trivandrum city in MC road.
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