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Shop / commercial space for rent / lease in Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur

and nearby locations Cheroor, Kolazhy, Peringavu and Poovani

Well maintained Commercial Space for Rent

Well maintained Commercial Space for Rent
  • For Rent
  • Property by Owner
  •  Peringavu, Thrissur
Property Info
A well maintained commercial space for rent. Currently an established Supermarket runs in this prime area.Surrounded by Several Flats and Villas,Renowned School,Hospital,Theater,Auditorium and Restaurants.Since it is a highly populated and highly commercial area, can always expect a steady flow of customers.Had been doing good business for last 14 years and has created a reputation of its own. Spread over 1280 Sq.Ft it is well furnished with racks,Freezer,refrigerator and has ample parking space. The space can either be taken up and continued as it is or can be successfully used for other commercial purposes like banking, showroom , dealership outlet etc.
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